Thursday, March 8, 2007

Name: Mik Jedlicka
Hometown: New London, Minnesota
In one word: Vibrant
Call Sign: Pinito
Personal motto: Break your own trail


Unknown said...

You are really really ridiculously good looking.

Anicka Rain said...

You are one of my most "kick ass" of all my kick ass friends! Safe and wonderful journeys lady!

daddalpes said...

Beware Mark D... he may be slightly crazy... anonymous

BrokenAgain said...

You are so beautiful!! Especially when you are dirty! (don't forget, we look like sisters so you HAVE to be a hottie so i can be a hottie too. this is all ridin' on you now...)

I'm coming back to snowmaking and Mark says if you come back too he'll put us together and we can be super heroes again!!! What you think? You coming back!! It's for sure for me, yay!!!

How is your trip? You are amazing. Oh yeah, and if you have some other amazing opportunity and can't come back, that's ok too- i'll just call you in the middle of the night all the time. ha ha, jk. but really though, i am just so happy to be getting out of this shit. There's only one opening it looks like, so this time you'd be my boss. How fun! Unless Nap doesn't come back that is... Then we'd both be bossess but maybe not able to work together then?

talk to you soon! Hope all is well! This is a long ass comment- sorry.

Unknown said...

you should write a book
tittled "how I became the greatest daughter, best sister,and lovliest woman in the world"