Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Expedition: Paddle for Power

Beginning from San Juan Island, Washington and finishing in Haines, Alaska we will kayak the “Inside Passage.” Not only will we kayak approximately 1300 miles, but we will also explore some of the coastal mountain ranges of British Columbia and southeastern Alaska by backcountry skiing along the way. We plan to use two distinct modes of travel. The kayak will allow us an intimacy with the cliffed, forested and beached coastline unmatched by any other oceangoing vessel. It allows for a closer relationship with the macro marine life of sea lions, seals and whales as well as the intertidal zones teeming with micro marine life. In honor of our shared passion for skiing we will carry skis on our kayaks as our second mode of travel. Similar to the intimacy of kayaking, this will allow us to explore the snow-covered peaks, which span the entire coast from Washington to Alaska.

The power behind the paddle

As concerns about rising fossil fuel prices, climate change, and energy security increase, utilizing clean, local, and inexhaustible renewable energy resources can play a key role in addressing those concerns. We encourage you to help support renewable energy use and renewable resource development and awareness. Our upcoming expedition offers an outlet for you to support our sustainable, renewable energy powered future. One of our goals is to raise money and awareness for Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP.) REAP is as coalition of over forty organizations from across Alaska including urban and rural utilities, businesses, environmental groups, consumer groups, Alaska Native organizations, and State and Federal agencies, all working together to increase the development of renewable energy in Alaska. REAP believes that for economic and environmental reasons, Alaska, the United States, and the Earth will benefit greatly from the rapid development of renewable energy resources and that Alaska can and should be a leader in such development.

Expedition Members

Name: Mark Dalpes
Hometown: Idaho Springs, Colorado
In one word: Peace
Call Sign: Dr. Booty
Personal motto: Make decisions out of inspiration not desperation
Name: Mik Jedlicka
Hometown: New London, Minnesota
In one word: Vibrant
Call Sign: Pinito
Personal motto: Break your own trail